JJ Broch Potato Planters

The JJ Broch Potato Planters are available in 1, 2, 2 x 2, 3, 4 or 5 row models. The speed and precision of the machines make it ideal for all types of soil. The features of the planters include:
Three point linkage Cat I-II (Depending on the number of rows)
Monoblock rigid frame
Furrow opener coupled to the main frame
Wheels 7.00/12
Two drive wheels
4 rows model equipped with 4 wheels
Rubber Cup belt with double synthetic net reinforced EP 125
38 cups per belt
Accessory for small potatoes seeds
Adjustable depth by furrow opener position
Row distances from 35 - 100 cm (Not adjustable)
15 positions gears for selection of seed density
Planting density from 2 to 6 plants per metre
Cup belt with mechanical vibration
Rear ridging by shares or discs
Optional extras include:
Extra hopper
Quick linkage (Standard in 4 & 5 row)
Fertiliser Bin
Micro granulator
Electrical vibration of cup belt
Rear bed former
Manufactured in Spain.
1 Row Potato Planter $10,780 + GST
2 Row Potato Planter $18,715 + GST
2 x 2 Row Potato Planter $19,775 + GST
3 Row Potato Planter $26,080 + GST
4 Row Potato Planter $35,430 + GST
5 Row Potato Planter $44,800 + GST