JJ Broch Pneumatic Garlic Planter PLNAL

The advantage of a pneumatic planter over a mechanical planter is that they can operate at much faster speeds, are able to handle a greater variance of clove size and have a greater degree of planting accuracy. The range of JJ Broch pneumatic planters offer high performance, compact and reliable design and easy operation and maintenance.
HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION: Large monoblock chassis, drive shafts and high quality and oversized bearings. All the design is focused on the life of the machine to withstand the rigours of the difficult and demanding work in the field.
OPENING FRONT SHARE: Adjustable depth of coulter share. Once adjusted a small furrow is dug where the clove is placed with minimal soil work and ready for germination.
MULTI CONTROL OF PLANTING DEPTH: The combination of adjustments between opening shares connected to the rear wheels by parallelogram and adjustable drive wheels allows adjust with great precision the planting depth from a few mm to 200mm.
MULTI CONTROL OF PLANT SPACING: Minimum single row distance from 200mm. Four seeding discs to choose between available sizes: ∅9, ∅11, ∅13 ,∅15 ,∅17 ,∅19 ,∅21 ,∅23. Individual vibration system per planting unit. Planting rate gears from 9 to 17 cloves per metre.
AUTONOMY AND BIG CAPACITY OF THE HOPPER: The resistant design allows to extend the capacity of the hopper and to load big amounts of seeds providing long distances without recharging and increasing the planting capacity.
EASY AND FAST MAINTENANCE: The planter is designed to give easy access to maintenance areas and greasing points.
There is the option of an electronic seeding control box that monitors all aspects of the planter that is mounted in the tractor cabin. The basic control set does not include planting sensors.
Available in 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 row versions. Manufactured in Spain.
Pneumatic Garlic Planter PLNAL-3 $49,950 + GST
Pneumatic Garlic Planter PLNAL-4 $59,500 + GST
Pneumatic Garlic Planter PLNAL-5 $67,950 + GST
Pneumatic Garlic Planter PLNAL-6 $79,500 + GST
Pneumatic Garlic Planter PLNAL-7 $87,950 + GST
Smart Broch Seeding Control 3 Row $12,300 + GST
Smart Broch Seeding Control 4 Row $12,830 + GST
Smart Broch Seeding Control 5 Row $13,350 + GST
Smart Broch Seeding Control 6 Row $14,195 + GST
Smart Broch Seeding Control 7 Row $14,690 + GST