Garmach Two Row Potato Harvester Z656/2

The Garmach two row potato harvester is mounted on the tractor using the Cat 2 three-point linkage system and is driven by the PTO shaft. The machine is equipped with adjustable rear rubber wheels that control the digging depth.
The undercutter blade lifts the potatoes onto the sieving belt. The belt passes over a series of specially designed cogs that vibrate the belt and breaks up the soil which drops down between the conveyor bars whilst simultaneously pushing the potatoes towards the back of the machine.
At the back of the digger there are two profiled metal grates that drop the dug potatoes to the centre of row behind the digger. This limits any potential the damage by the tractor tyres when digging adjacent rows.
The digger may also be equipped with a rubberised conveyor belt to further reduce tuber damage.
Two versions of the Garmach two row potato harvester are available: a single belt version; and a double row version that has an additional 1000mm belt attached behind the main belt to lift crops grown in heavier soils.
Please disregard the Bomet branding - Bomet is the manufacturer, Garmach the exporter. Manufactured in Poland.
Single Belt Harvester $21,450 + GST
Double Belt Harvester $23,875 + GST